Category: Community
There are so many ways that a cat can come into your life… Sometimes it’s expected but many times it’s totally unexpected. I love to hear from the cat …
Living with a cat will give you plenty of ‘awww’ moments… As you know, cats have routines and are definitely creatures of habit. Some things that your cat does …
Our pets are so loveable, they’re central to our homes and offer so much fun and happiness… Sometimes I sit and stare at Coco and just think ‘wow what …
Cats can be extremely territorial and the nature of this behavior is often interpreted as jealousy. It’s only natural that we label our cats with human emotions and behavior …
Without having a surveillance camera or somebody on the inside it can be hard to tell if your cat misses you when you’re gone. There is increasing evidence to …
When Coco came into our lives, the concept of living with a black cat was pretty new to me. We weren’t prepared at all and we had to learn …
The world of domestic cats is a vast and very interesting one… There are fluffy, bald, big, small, tall, and short cats with a wide range of colors and …
As I’m writing this our black cat Coco has joined us in bed as he does every night. He has just summed up what makes him so sweet as …
When it comes to listing the best things about our pets I’m pretty sure we can all create a list as long as our arms… I happen to think …
The relationship that we have with our cats is simply amazing! Our black cat called Coco is greatly loved and a very big part of our family life. I’ll …