Do Black Cats Like to Cuddle? 7 Adorable Things to Consider

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do black cats like to cuddle

Do black cats like to cuddle? Yes, they usually do, but as is the case with cats of all colors it usually has to be on their terms.

A Loving Member Of The Family

One thing to note about black cats is that despite the ‘spooky’ stigma that they may have developed over the years. Black cats can be a loyal, loving member of the family.

Black cats like other cats are known to love to cuddle up to their owners, giving them the friendly head nudge and so on.

It Is On Their Terms

We have all had or know of a cat that is very loving, but as long as it is on their terms!

Some black cats will love to snuggle up with you on the couch and let your stroke them and just sit with you.

However, it is important to note that black cats like other cats, do like their own space. So, do not be alarmed if on occasion they do not want to cuddle with you.

They Feel Safe And Warm

While your cat of course loves you, black cats do have some other reasons that they like to get close and cuddle.

One is that they are kept nice and warm by your body heat when they are snuggled close to you. Also, they feel safe and secure when they are close to you, which is nice.

When answering the question ‘do black cats like to cuddle?’ I think it’s good to take into consideration that cats are pack animals and being close is very natural.

Allow Them To Come To You

The majority of cats, black and otherwise do like to cuddle. However, if you have just gotten your new feline friend, let them come to you.

This is especially true if you have a rescue cat. Be patient and let them come to you when they are comfortable enough to cuddle and be close to you.

do black cats like to cuddle
Playtime with Coco lol

The Centre Of Attention!

From watching your favorite TV show, reading a good book, or playing a video game. If your black cat feels like you are not giving them the attention, they deserve they will let you know.

They will often lay on your book, get in your face, and make sure you are giving them the right amount of attention.

Cuddling With Other Pets

There is nothing cuter than seeing your black cat snuggle up with another cat or even a dog.

Black cats are known to love the companionship (again on their terms!) of other pets in the house and it is lovely to see this happen.

Cuddles With Treats And Toys

If you are looking for a way to try and encourage your black cat to cuddle with you, bribery can often be a way to make this happen.

From having a couple of their favorite treats or their favorite toy to play with on your lap. These are fun ways to entice your cat to cuddle with you.

Eventually, they will hopefully come over and cuddle just because they want to, not just because they think they are getting something.

My Thoughts

Our American Shorthair called Coco has been pretty clingy with us right from the day that we took him in from the streets.

As a kitten, it took a little bit of time to win his trust but once he trusted us all Coco wanted to do is have cuddles, be picked up, and sleep on our laps.

He is very much a shoulder cat and even reaches towards your shoulder when you pick him up because that’s where he feels very comfortable.

However, as he has gotten older cuddle time is a lot more on his terms.

If he doesn’t want to be picked up he lets us know with a little nip on the hand, a clear indication to give him his own space.

Coco sleeps in the bed with my partner and I and if it’s not too warm he will spend the entire night cuddled up to one of us or in between the both of us.

It’s so sweet but he manages to take up half of the bed somehow! lol

Do Black Cats Like To Cuddle? – Summary

Do black cats like to cuddle? In general, yes but as is the case with all cats, you have to judge this on an individual basis.

Your cat may like to cuddle but it is very much on their terms.

Your cat may enjoy the warmth and feeling of security from your hugs.

Give your cat time to adjust to living with you and allow the cat to cuddle in his or her’s own time.

Cats may let you know that it’s cuddle time if they feel that they don’t have your attention.

Your cat may enjoy cuddling with other pets in the home.

Toys and treats may be a way to initiate cuddles in the beginning.

For more black cat content check out the My Mini Panther Facebook page.

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Lee Harris

I'm a Brit living in the sunny Canary Islands with my beautiful wife and my wonderful black cat called Coco. I love to blog, build businesses, look after my body, and enjoy nature...

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