Do Black Cats Like the Sun? 4 Helpful Topics Discussed

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do black cats like the sun

Do black cats like the sun? Yes, but that is not something that is exclusive to ‘black cats’.

Certain breeds of black cats are drawn to heat more than others especially the Bombay Cat and the American Shorthair.

How The Sun Can Change A Black Cats Color

“What is happening to my cat?” is something that people may say who have had their black cat lounging in the sun and have noticed it changing color.

The reason for this is that the pigments in a black cat’s fur are broken down by the sun’s ray and this is what can reveal a strange new color (all be it temporary) sported by your feline buddy.

It can be quite shocking to see, but the truth is this bit of color is really always there, but it is the sun’s rays that bring it to light. (pardon the pun)

The Comfort Factor

A major reason as to why a black cat loves to lounge in the sun is comfort.

Our feline friends like to feel safe, secure, and warm before they sleep. That is why it is so easy for them to fall asleep while catching some rays.

Cats like to be warm and cozy as they sleep and the sun is the perfect way for them to do this while they need to catch a few z’s while they are outside.

Keeping Warm

When a black cat or any other kind of cat has a nap, their body temperature will drop.

By falling asleep in the rays of the sun, they are making sure that this drop in body temperature is counteracted thanks to a helping hand from the sun.

In the home, cats can use blankets, pillows, or a nice warm spot to ensure they do not get cold when they sleep. If they need to sleep while outside, a nice lay in the sun is a great way to keep warm as they nap.

However, if it is particularly hot you may see your black cat spending as little time as possible in the sun in order to regulate body temperature.

Coco on our roof during sunset

Every Calorie Counts

While cats do not get a dose of vitamin d like us humans do from the sun. Black cats can ensure that they are not wasting calories when they sleep by being in the sunlight.

This allows our cats to keep their calories up and ready for more important things like hunting and exploring the neighborhood.

Many people are surprised at how many calories a cat can burn by just living their everyday life. Sleeping in the sun is a way a black cat can really make sure that every calorie counts.

My Thoughts

Living on an island that gets sun all-year-round, I get to see our black cat’s relationship with the sun a lot.

He spent the first 3 months of his life on the sun-drenched streets and you could tell right away.

His fur was a rusty brown color and reminded me of a coconut shell, hence the name ‘Coco’.

When Coco is in the house, especially during winter months, Coco will seek the spots where sunlight is coming into the house. He loves it!

During the hottest part of the year, he seems to seek shade a lot more. He’s less active and will only really go outside on our roof terrace once the sun has gone down.

If he does go onto the roof during the full and powerful sun, he immediately runs to find the shade.

I think Coco loves the sun but he very much knows his limits…

Do black cats like the sun? – Summary

Do black cats like the sun? Yes and there’s many reasons why.

A lot of exposure to the sun can turn a black cat’s fur into a rusty brown color as they lose pigmentation.

Cats like to feel warm and cozy, especially when sleeping so the sun can give them that comfort factor.

Sleeping in the sun can be a good way for cats to preserve energy.

For more black cat content check out the My Mini Panther Facebook page.

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Lee Harris

I'm a Brit living in the sunny Canary Islands with my beautiful wife and my wonderful black cat called Coco. I love to blog, build businesses, look after my body, and enjoy nature...

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