Do Black Cats Know that they are Black? 4 Intriguing Topics

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Do black cats know that they are black?

Do black cats know that they are black? Black cats are like all other cats in that they do not know what color they are.

Like other cats, black cats hide in the shadows and they just so do it better than most due to the fact they blend in so well.

Lurking In The Shadows

One reason some people wonder ‘do black cats know that they are black?’ is that they are so good at hiding in the shadows or in various dark spaces.

While this is a very fun theory and you could look at it like a black cat knowing they have a ‘superpower’, the fact of the matter is a black cat will try and hide no better than an orange or grey cat would.

The fact that they are black will help them blend in better, and recent studies show that a black cat may be black as a result of survival of the fittest.

Embracing The Darkness

“Black cats are spooky”, “black cats can bring you bad luck” are such sayings that have been doing the rounds for centuries.

While black cats certainly have their place in folklore and they may make for a good companion if you are a witch. Truth be told a grey cat would be just as good a friend if you were a witch.

The spooky factor surrounding black cats has been handed down through the ages and while some cats may like to jump out at you or they have a more “sinister” look one their face.

Black cats like all other cats have their own personality and it is not tied to the color of their fur.

do black cats know that they are black
Our boy called Coco

Who Am I

For years scientists have conducted studies on black cats and cats of all colors actually in regards to them having any kind of self-recognition.

A black cat is no more aware of its own reflection than any other cat of any other color would be.

Some videos may show the odd cat here or there being aware of themselves, but these cases are very few and far between.

Black Cat, But a Heart of Gold

One of the interesting, but very sad black cat facts is that they have a much lower adoption rate than other cats.

You could say that a huge reason for this is that there has been a stigma around black cats since the days of ancient Greece and this stigma does not appear to be showing any signs of going away.

The truth is that while you may be asking yourself ‘do black cats know that they are black?’, what you should be asking is if a black cat knows what a special little fellow they really are!

Black cats make wonderful pets, they just need someone like you to be there for them.

My Thoughts

When researching for this blog post I came across the question ‘do black cats know that they are black?’ and I must say, it stopped me in my tracks.

Hmm… it was one of those questions that sounds silly initially but then when you think a bit deeper it becomes really interesting.

In the past, I have watched the street cats on the island that I live on interacting with each other and I have wondered, “do the cats recognize each other’s fur color?”.

As you can see by reading this blog there’s very little to suggest that cats do but I’m not sure I’m entirely convinced.

Like most things in nature there’s a reason behind things and maybe one day we will know more about cats markings, colors, and how aware they are of it.

Do Black Cats Know that they are Black – Summary

Do black cats know that they are black? Apparently not.

Black cats blend into the shadows easier than other cats and this may give them advantages but the black cat probably doesn’t know this.

Scientists have found that cats aren’t very self-aware when it comes to fur color.

There’s a wonderful black cat community on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest and it is growing by the day…

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Lee Harris

I'm a Brit living in the sunny Canary Islands with my beautiful wife and my wonderful black cat called Coco. I love to blog, build businesses, look after my body, and enjoy nature...

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