Do Black Cats Change Color? 5 Interesting Factors Discussed…

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do black cats change color

Do black cats change color? Black cats can turn a reddy-brown color and they can also go gray but this is usually age-related.

Exposure to sunlight and nutritional deficiencies may cause a black cat’s coat to change appearance.

Can Black Cats Change Color?

It is thought that amino acid deficiency may cause black cats to lose pigment in their fur.

The amino acid called Tyrosine is needed to create eumelanin. Eumelanin is the pigment that gives a cat black fur.

A tyrosine deficiency may be the cause for some black cats having a rusty look to their coat.

It is quite common to see black cats with a brown, red, or even orange look to their fur.

This may be an indication that the cat is not getting enough animal protein from meat or fish leading to issues with absorbing or metabolizing Tyrosine.

As Tyrosine has multiple functions regarding cat health, there may be other health issues associated with a deficiency.

If you notice any changes in the color of your cat’s fur it is always advised to contact a veterinarian.

Copper Deficiency

Copper is an important mineral for cats and a copper deficiency may also cause a black cat to lose pigment and have a brown, red, or orange appearance.

Copper is required alongside Tyrosine in the pigmentation process.

Copper is usually added to cat food by manufacturers so a copper deficiency in cats should not be common in theory.

Health Conditions

There are health conditions that may prevent proper metabolism of Tyrosine leading to discoloration of a cat’s fur.

Thyroid, liver, and kidney problems may be the root cause of your black cat changing color.

This is why it is so important to contact a professional if you see any changes in the appearance of your cat.


Just like in humans, sunlight may change the color of hair.

Black cats that spend a lot of time in the sun may have a rusty appearance.

Our American Shorthair called Coco spent the first few months of his life on the street.

We live on the sun-drenched island of Gran Canaria and Coco spent the early part of his life being exposed to a lot of sunshine.

When we first took him in, his fur wasn’t very black at all. He was a reddy-brown color and reminded me of a coconut shell. That’s why we named him Coco.

You can read about the experience we had with Coco as a kitten here…

Coco’s fur is much darker now as he is a house cat and he doesn’t spend much time in direct sunlight.

do black cats change color
Do black cats change color? Our boy Coco has got darker…


Black cats are known to go gray with age.

This isn’t the case with all black cats and black cats going gray isn’t just limited to older cats.

Younger cats can have gray flecks in their fur too.

Just the same as black cats having a reddy-brown appearance, a black cat going gray may also be a sign of illness or a nutritional deficiency.

I have written more on the subject of black cats going gray here.

Again, if you notice any changes in the coloration of your cat’s fur, please contact a veterinarian.

My Thoughts

In my opinion, nutritional deficiencies in pets are a huge concern, and just like us humans, I think that so many pets are simply eating the wrong food.

Coco used to eat dry food day and night and he started getting heavier and his coat was looking a little rough.

I took him off dry food and now he only eats wet food. As a result, he looks younger, more alive and his coat is so silky and shiny and has a deep, rich color.

I think there is a lot of weight to the theory that changes in the color of a cat’s fur can be attributed to a lack of key nutrients.

Do black cats change color? – Summary

Do black cats change color? Yes and there are a number of potential causes.

Sunlight, nutritional deficiencies and illness may be the cause.

Black cats that are aging may have gray flecks in their fur over time but this isn’t exclusive to older cats.

Any changes in the color of a cat’s fur should be taken seriously as the changes may be due to illness.

It is advised to contact a veterinarian if you notice changes in the coloration of your cat.


Why is my black cat turning reddy brown? –

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Lee Harris

I'm a Brit living in the sunny Canary Islands with my beautiful wife and my wonderful black cat called Coco. I love to blog, build businesses, look after my body, and enjoy nature...

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