Do Black Cats Protect You? 6 Very Intriguing Topics Covered

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do black cats protect you

Do black cats protect you? Yes, many interesting studies have been done over the years that show black cats (and other cats) can be just as protective and loving as a dog. Cats will often look after their family and it is not always just because we are their source of food.

It Is Partly Due To Their Instincts

While our black cats do love us and we love them right back. The fact is many people believe that a cat’s desire to protect a human is down to instinct.

A cat will always try and protect what is theirs and they see us as theirs which is why they will offer protection.

They Can Fight Off Pests

In ancient Egypt, one of the reasons that cats were so revered was because they kept snakes at bay!

While in most countries it is the common mouse or rat that is the arch-nemesis of our beloved black cats, snakes are still on their radars.

Cats will go to great lengths to get any pests no matter if it is a mouse, rat, or even a snake out of the house.

Black Cats Can Be Very Protective Of Children

There is nothing more adorable than watching your black cat develop a bond with a child.

Cats can go that extra mile when it comes to defending a child. There is a famous case where a cat defended a child from a dog attack.

Another well-known case is where a baby was saved from freezing by a cat that covered it to keep it warm, the cat even followed the baby to the hospital!

do black cats protect you

Sensing The Weather

Ok, so the “science” behind this may be all over the place, but some black cat parents know that their cats can tell when the weather is going to change.

From hiding out from a thunderstorm long before we hear that first crack, to going nuts when the barometric pressure changes.

Cats can often let us know when there is bad weather coming. So if your kitty hides under something, you might know to bring in the washing and close the windows!

They Protect Because They Care

While there are some studies that state black cats only protect us due to their own needs such as food and shelter.

There are even more that show that the reason cats are willing to look after us is that they really do care about us.

My Thoughts

Our American Shorthair called Coco is a very wary cat. He doesn’t like it when strangers visit our home at all.

He often runs away and hides and if he doesn’t have time to hide, he’ll freeze in one place.

Having said that, when it comes to my Fiancee and me, Coco is the complete opposite.

he wants to be everywhere where we are! He even shares our bed with us now…

Coco doesn’t really do this with me but for example, when Yurena is in the bathroom doing her makeup or something, Coco has to be in there with her.

Yurena will have her back to the door using the mirror and Coco often sits behind her feet but facing the door.

It very much looks like he’s on guard and we often talk about how he reminds us of a guard dog at times.

Do Black Cats Protect You? – Summary

Do Black Cats Protect You? Yes, studies have shown that cats have the tendency to offer protection to their owner.

Cats may protect us due to their instinct to protect what is theirs.

Cats can protect us from pests such as mice, rats and even snakes!

Cats have been known to protect children.

Cats are thought to have the ability to sense bad weather ahead of time, offering us some warning.

There are theories that cats may protect us because they actually care about our well-being.

For more black cat content check out the My Mini Panther Facebook page.

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Lee Harris

I'm a Brit living in the sunny Canary Islands with my beautiful wife and my wonderful black cat called Coco. I love to blog, build businesses, look after my body, and enjoy nature...

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