Do Black Cats Overheat? 4 Important Topics Discussed

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do black cats overheat

Do black cats overheat? Yes, if it is too hot outside or even inside cats can overheat just like we do. Cats can have the same problems as us such as heatstroke and dehydration. So, when it is extra hot, you have to make sure your black cat is looked after properly.

Why Do Cats Overheat?

Cats have a reputation as a “desert animal” however, they are not able to sit in extreme warmth for a long period of time.

Black cats (and all other cats) sweat through their pads this along with panting are how they get rid of any excess heat their body is dealing with.

So, on a very hot summer day or if you have your central heating on full blast, it can be very uncomfortable for a cat.

Look For the Signs

If you are worried your black cat is overheating then there are some common signs to look for.

First of all, panting in cats is not as normal as it is with dogs. If your cat is panting try and get them to move to a cooler area and give them a cold bowl of water.

Their paws being extra sweaty is another sign that they could be overheating, so again let them cool down in a cooler part of the house and with some cold water.

do black cats overheat

More Extreme Signs

There are some more extreme warning signs regarding heat stroke to look for. If any of these happen, then a call or a trip to the vet needs to happen.

Vomiting and bad diarrhoea as a result of being too hot is a major concern.

Cats tongues can get very red as can their mouth area when they are overheated so look for this too.

A tenpercentery of 105 is a major issue and a real sign that heatstroke is a problem.

Black cats are usually very steady on their feet, but if they are unsteady and walking weird and also rater hot, this could be another sign of heatstroke.

How To Help Your Black Cat Avoid Heatstroke

Some cats like to curl up in a nice warm place and that is fine for the most part. However, you need to do your part to help them stay cool when they need it.

It should go without saying, but access to cold water is a must. If it is a hot day, be sure to change the water out rather frequently so that it is always cold.

If you want to give them an extra cold drink, put a few ice cubes in there too, cats are known to love to lick ice cubes!

Another way to help them is by freezing a water bottle and wrapping it in a towel and laying it where they like to sleep or relax.

Having small fans in the house to ensure a good flow of air is also a great way to help them stay cool.

My Thoughts

Living on an island that gets sun all-year-round with our black cat called Coco could have its challenges, however, Coco being too warm is never an issue.

Coco really seems to be attracted to heat. Even when it is scorching hot outside, Coco still wants to sit on our laps.

He seems to be really heat tolerant and when he gets a little warm he lays down on the floor tiles to regulate his body temperature.

Having said that, when he goes up to our roof terrace for some fresh air, he avoids being in direct sun at all costs.

The first thing he does is run to a shaded area which is usually under one of the sun loungers.

Do Black Cats Overheat? – Summary

Do black cats overheat? Yes they can, just like we can.

Look out for signs that your cat is overheating which are usually panting and excess sweating through the paws.

Vomiting and diarrhoea are also extreme symptoms to look out for.

Providing your cat with cool areas in your home and access to cool water can help your cat to regulate body temperature.

For more black cat content check out the My Mini Panther Facebook page.

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Lee Harris

I'm a Brit living in the sunny Canary Islands with my beautiful wife and my wonderful black cat called Coco. I love to blog, build businesses, look after my body, and enjoy nature...

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