Do black cats meow more? Maybe, some black cats may like to meow more than others, it all depends on the cat’s personality.
Every cat is unique and the frequency of meowing can greatly vary from cat to cat.
Chatty Kitties
There have been studies conducted that say that certain types of cats do tend to meow more than others. Siamese and Oriental being the main two.
However, if these cats are black or not does not appear to have any kind of effect if they meow more or less.
Clever Cats
One thing to know is that meowing is a cat’s way of communicating with us. Cats are clever in that they know they need to communicate differently with humans than they do other cats.
When your black cat is meowing at you, they are actually in their own way talking to you.

They Know What You Want To Hear
One very interesting thing about when a black cat meows at you is that they know certain sounds can trigger a certain response from you.
This can be something like playing with them, feeding them, or just a way to ensure you are paying attention to them instead of the dog!
It has been said that cats communicate with humans the same way that they do their kittens.
A Call For Help
Most cat parents will have called for their cat and heard them meow in response. Sometimes a black cat meowing can be a call for help.
For example, if your cat gets stuck somewhere when they are doing some feline exploration of the house. They can meow to let you know where they are.
Most cats know that their human will come running when they meow so it is a very useful way for them to get help when they need it.
Strange Noises
Sometimes black cats and other cats can make some very strange noises. Most of the time when this happens it is all due to mating.
Female cats can make stranger ‘meowing’ type sounds to let males know they are in heat.
Males on the other hand can use their meows as a sign of showing their affection and even dominance against a rival cat.
While most people will recognize their cat’s meows, a strange one does not always mean that there is something wrong.
Do Not Let Them Call All The Shots
When our black kitties come calling, we often will go running, but you do have to set some limits.
For example, when it is 3 AM and you are trying to sleep, but your cat wants your attention. Meowing at your bedroom door is not uncommon.
They know meowing usually works, but in a case like this, you have to stay strong and not give in so that they know that sometimes, meowing is not going to get them what they want.
My Thoughts
Our American Shorthair called Coco is a very vocal cat. He meows a lot!
He has many different meow’s and I can tell when he wants food, to be picked up or even when he wants to use his litter tray based on his meow.
I don’t know if your cat does this but Coco meows to let us know that he needs to use his litter tray and he even meows when he’s done lol.
He’s a very chatty kitty and he makes all kinds of sounds.
Do Black Cats Meow More? – Summary
Do black cats meow more? Possibly but every cat is different and very much have their own unique character.
Siamese and Oriental cats may meow more than others.
Cats are very smart and use their meow to communicate with humans.
Cats adjust to your response to their meows and use the meow as a tool.
Sometimes a meow can be a cry for help.
Cats meows may change throughout mating season.
Cats can often use a meow to get their own way so you may have to pay attention to how you respond to meows.
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Lee Harris
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