Can Black Cats Sense Death? 4 Intriguing & Revealing Insights

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can black cats sense death

Can black cats sense death? It may be possible that in a way they can. However, it is not a case of black cats knowing that the Grim Reaper is hiding behind the door!

Black cats and cats in general have very fine-tuned senses that may allow them to pick up on things and sense things that we humans cannot perceive.

The Spooky Life Of A Black Cat

Let’s get the obvious out of the way first and that is the fact that for centuries now, black cats have been seen as being spooky by many (wrongfully, in my opinion).

Historically, black cats were associated with witches, and quite often if a “witch” had a black cat, the poor cat would be executed along with the witch.

Another “spooky” but less disturbing walk through history takes us to ancient Egypt where black cats were seen as good and in death they were revered and often mummified.

Super Senses

One thing about black cats and cats, in general, is that they have a fantastic sense of smell.

This “super sense” if you will, can let them pick up on chemicals released by the body in both humans and other animals that are a tad “off” if they are ill.

As well as their better sense of smell, cats’ eyes, and the way they process information is quite interesting.

It has been said that cats can pick up on a change of body language or a change of behavior in other cats, humans, and other things they become familiar with.

A Black Cat Can Know When It’s Time Has Come

Ok, so to be fair, this is not exclusive to just black cats, but it is still pretty interesting to talk about.

Black cats have been known to know when they are about to die.

They will often go away to be somewhere quiet and peaceful so that they can pass away on their own terms.

So, in this regard, you would have to say that black cats can in fact sense death as they are so in tune with their bodies that they know they are about to die.

Granted this is not a nice thing to think about or talk about, but it does show how special these amazing creatures are.

can black cats sense death

Oscar The Cat Of Death

Truth be told the cat we are talking about here is not a black cat, but his story fits in perfectly with discussions about can black cats sense death or not.

A nursing home in Rhode Island was home to a cat called Oscar who usually wanted very little to do with people.

The thing is, Oscar would go and sit with people who would then quite often pass away shortly after.

It was like he could sense they were in their final days or hours and he would comfort them. It is both sweet and a bit on the creepy side to think about.

Can Black Cats Sense Death? My Thoughts

Living with an American Shorthair called Coco, I can see why people would ask such questions.

Coco’s senses are remarkable!

He knows exactly when my partner is driving into the garage, even before she opens the garage door.

I thought this was due to him recognizing the sound of the tires or the engine but one day, Yurena arrived at home in her Mother’s car and Coco still knew it was Yurena coming home!

He does a certain meow every time she comes home and he does it no matter which vehicle she is in.

I suffer from gallbladder problems due to a poor diet for most of my life and when I have a particularly bad day, Coco seems to want to lie on my stomach when I’m on the sofa.

I must admit the warmth of his body and his purring is very soothing.

In my opinion, animals sensing things like death is more than possible. I think we know very little about animals on the whole and there is so much to be discovered…

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Lee Harris

I'm a Brit living in the sunny Canary Islands with my beautiful wife and my wonderful black cat called Coco. I love to blog, build businesses, look after my body, and enjoy nature...

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