Can black cats get sunburn? Sunburn is a common ailment for cats, and black cats are no exception to this rule. Cats can have problems to contend with due to the amount of radiation that hits their skin every day.
UV Rays
While black cats cannot contract sunburn through direct exposure to the sun, they can suffer from skin irritations caused by UV rays.
When the cells in the skin become damaged due to the sunlight, it causes an allergic reaction, which can result in the appearance of red bumps or blotches, known as cat scratch.
Cats also can suffer from skin discoloration through tanning.
Another common problem for cats that is caused by exposure to the sun is skin infections.
These infections can be passed from one cat to another through direct contact with the skin, or through fleas.
Cats can develop urinary tract infections, skin ulcers, and eye problems from exposure to UV radiation too.
A cat that has sunburn can pass on these infections to its owner, who can pass them along to another cat by touching their fur or scratching them.
Cats can also suffer from breathing problems due to overheating. This can cause an irregular breathing pattern.
It’s important to know that cats are nocturnal, meaning that they sleep throughout the day and wake up at night.
The best way to prevent these health problems from developing in cats is to avoid giving them direct sunlight at all times.
Because black cats are prone to a number of skin problems from UV radiation, it’s crucial that they be checked on a regular basis for moles or patches of dead skin.

What to Do
If the cat has any of these, it’s important to get it checked out by a veterinarian immediately.
If your cat is having health issues due to sunburn, it’s important to pay attention to it and take action quickly.
If your pet starts to display unusual behavior or is not eating or drinking, you may want to call in the vet for help.
Remember that when it comes to cat’s skincare, prevention is better than the cure.
Cats are living longer than ever, so there are more chances of them being harmed by sunburn due to possible longer exposure to the sun.
You should know what to do if your cat develops sunburn so that it doesn’t have to deal with the same problems again in the future.
Try taking your pet outside at least once each day, especially in the morning and evening, when it’s usually cool.
While the sun is shining brightly, don’t allow your cat to get close to anything that may cause it to get burned.
Even something as small as a piece of newspaper can burn a cat, so try to provide shade if possible.
Remember, if your black cats start to show any signs of sunburn, don’t hesitate to take your cat to the vet immediately.
Keeping your pet out of the sun may be a way to prevent skin problems and illness from occurring.
Can Black Cats Get Sunburn? My Thoughts
Until researching for this blog post, I didn’t realize the severity of the issue of sunburn and cats.
This subject hits home especially hard to me as I live on a holiday island off the West Coast of Africa.
Its sunny all-year-round here and there are a lot of stray cats on the streets.
The cats are constantly in search of shade and they have good reason too!
We rescued our American Shorthair called Coco from the street when he was a kitten and thankfully he was in good health, although his fur was faded from the sun…
So can black cats get sunburn? Yes and it’s a very serious matter.
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Lee Harris
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