The Feline Bond: Understanding Why Your Cat Wants to be Near You

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Many cat lovers have likely noticed that their feline friends often want to be near them.

Whether it’s sitting on their lap while they work or following them around the house, cats seem to have a strong desire to be close to their humans. But why is this?

One reason is that cats are social animals.

While they are not as social as dogs, they still have a strong need for companionship and interaction with other living beings.

This is why many cats will seek out the company of their humans, even if they also have other cats in the household.

Another reason cats may want to be near their humans is for protection.

Cats are natural predators, but they are also prey animals.

Being near a human can make them feel safer and more secure, as they know that their human can protect them from danger.

Cats also have strong territorial instincts, and they may view their human companion as part of their territory.

By staying close, cats are able to mark their territory and feel more secure in their environment.

Another reason cats may want to be near is for the simple comfort and pleasure of it.

Many cats enjoy being petted and stroked, and they may seek out their human for this reason alone.

The bond between a cat and a human is a special one, and it is based on trust, mutual respect, and understanding.

Cats are independent creatures and they will not always want to be near, but when they do, it is a sign of their affection and trust.

Cats also have a strong sense of smell, and they may enjoy the familiar scent of their human.

This is why they often rub their face against their companions’ legs or clothing.

This behavior is known as “bunting” and it is a way for cats to mark their human with their own scent.

Cats also use body language to communicate their feelings and intentions.

For example, a cat that is sitting with its tail wrapped around its body and its ears flattened against its head is likely feeling threatened or stressed.

On the other hand, a cat that is sitting with its tail held high and its ears perked up is likely feeling confident and content.

It’s important for cat lovers to understand their cat’s body language and behavior so they can respond appropriately.

By learning to read their cat’s cues, cat lovers can create a deeper bond with their feline friends and provide them with the comfort and security they need…

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Lee Harris

I'm a Brit living in the sunny Canary Islands with my beautiful wife and my wonderful black cat called Coco. I love to blog, build businesses, look after my body, and enjoy nature...

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